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The Emotional Guidance Scale And The Gunas

The Emotional Guidance Scale And The Gunas

April 16, 20233 min read

I've been in a funk lately.  LIke a proper cranky, frustrated, deflated sort of funk, which is pretty uncharacteristic of me.  While it helps to be able to identify the root cause of these feelings, when I'm in the thick of it, that doesn't really change the feelings – both emotional and physical manifestations of those feelings – I'm experiencing at that time.  

What does help, however, is using the yogic and Ayurvedic principles of the Gunas to get me moving on through the quagmire.

The Gunas (goo-nuhz) are a part of nature's energetic strands that beautifully weave everything in the universe together.  All that exists in the world is a combination of the Gunas.  I know that's a bit heady, so I'll break it down a bit.

Let's start with the basics.  The Gunas include:


The quality of harmony, stability, and virtue of being.  It is light in nature, has an upward motion, and brings about the awakening of the soul.  


The quality of turbulence or distraction.  It's the day-to-day motion and activity of life and creates pain and suffering.


The quality of dullness.  It's heavy in nature and is obstructing.  Having a downward motion, it causes decay and degeneration and is the principle of materiality or ignorance.

Ultimately, living a life closer to the Sattvic side of the Gunas is ideal.  In that Sattvic state, our bodies are functioning optimally.  We feel vibrant and full of life.  We sleep well, have no inflammation, are clear-headed, relaxed, and our poops are regular and easy to eliminate.  The Sattvic temperament presents as someone who's understanding, compassionate, and full of love and harmony.

A Rajasic state is more like the messy middle.  We might feel anger, tension, edgy, or distracted.  Physically that could present as inflammation, restlessness, skin irritations, and difficulty sleeping.  The Rajasic temperament shows up as someone who's quite political, wealth-driven, and interested in being powerful.

Someone who is in a more Tamasic state is unmotivated, sluggish, and depressed.  Tamas shows up in the body as sleeping a lot, constipation, and lack of appetite.  The Tamasic temperament is someone who's selfish, egotistical, and capable of destroying others.

Obviously it would be amazing if we could all live in a state of Sattva all of the time.  Can you imagine how wonderful the world would be if that were the case?  But since we can only control what we do as an individual, we can take some steps, even tiny ones, to help us get closer to that blissful state.  

When it comes to working with the Gunas, it's important to note that a person doesn't jump straight from a Tamasic state directly to being Sattvic.  It's more like a tunnel, the only way out is through.  This is where using The Emotional Guidance Scale, created by Abraham-Hicks, can be exceptionally useful.

What I like about this scale is it's pretty straightforward:  Identify how you're feeling and then do what you can to choose the next emotion up.  

Sometimes you seem to skip a few emotions, but when you take a moment to pause and do an internal assessment, you might discover that you actually (quickly) pass through several different feelings to get from where you started to where you are now.

The Emotional Guidance Scale

1. Joy/Appreciate/Empowered/Freedom/Love

2.  Passion

3.  Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

4.  Positive Expectation/Belief

5.  Optimism

6.  Hopefulness

7.  Contentment

8.  Boredom

9.  Pessimism

10.  Frustration/Irritation/Impatience

11.  Overwhelment (feeling overwhelmed)

12.  Disappointment

13.  Doubt

14.  Worry

15.  Blame

16.  Discouragement

17.  Anger

18.  Revenge

19.  Hatred/Rage

20.  Jealousy

21.  Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness

22.  Fear/Grief/Desperation/Despair/Powerlessness

I haven't touched on how the Gunas are impacted by the foods we eat and our lifestyle choices.  I'll save that for another day.  

But the next time you're feeling less than Sattvic when it comes to your emotions, refer back to this Emotional Guidance Scale and do what you can to intentionally choose the next feeling up the scale.  Before you know it, you'll be out of your funk and back into your personal sunshine.

FunkDepressionMental HealthEmotional Guidance ScaleGunasYogaYoga SutrasAyurvedaWellnessSpirituality
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