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Keep Your Cool: Ways To Navigate Pitta Season

Keep Your Cool: Ways To Navigate Pitta Season

July 09, 20233 min read

Longer days, hot temperatures, and prickly personalities: Pitta season is officially in effect.  Pronounced pit-tuh (same sound as the word “it,” and totally not pronounced like pita bread!), this time of year is all about finding ways to keep our cool, literally and figuratively. 


When working with Ayurvedic principles, opposites help keep us balanced.  In the case of the summertime heat, we’re more likely to remain balanced when we keep our foods, drinks, and movements on the cooler side.  This isn’t the best time of year to be going for a run in the middle of the day, for example. But never fear, movement people! You've got lots of options when it comes to getting your movement on while staying cool as a cucumber.


Here are a few ideas for you to navigate the summertime with peace and happiness:


Spend some time in nature

Think green (like strolling underneath trees) and/or splashing in some water rather than hiking in the desert.  For a Pitta-reducing morning routine, kick off your shoes and walk barefoot in the dew-covered grass.


Meditate regularly 

Find a place that's out of the sun, get comfy, and then just sit and breathe slowly. It really doesn't have to be anymore complicated than that. When you find your thoughts have wandered (and they absolutely will!), just compassionately return your mind's eye to focusing on your breath.


Do cooling breathing techniques

Ancient pranayama techniques like Sitali and Sitkhari can be performed anytime you need to cool down, whether it’s while you’re outside in the sun or inside after a heated argument.


Avoid heat-building activities during the hottest part of the day 

When possible, do the sweaty stuff before 10a or after 5p so you can limit the chance of becoming a human firecracker.


Go for a swim 

While the ocean is salty and thus technically Pitta-enhancing, it comes with a sweet twofer: submerging your body in cool water + being out in nature.  Other great options include swimming in a pond, splashing in a creek, or even jumping into a swimming pool. Just getting yourself wet in a body of water is an overall wonderful thing to do in the summertime.


Take softer exercise classes

Things like Yin, Gentle Stretch, and Restorative Yoga classes are all fantastic ways to bring the heat down.  If you need to build heat in your movement practice, try to take a morning or evening class.


Listen to mellow music or sounds of nature 

Throw on your headphones and find some amazing options on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. Then sit or lay down, close your eyes, and do some nice slow breathing.


Avoid heated discussions when you’re already feeling prickly

Sometimes this can’t be avoided.  But in the times when you know an intense convo is going to happen, set yourself up by avoiding heat-producing activities, foods, and beverages in the hours leading up to the discussion.  Your future self will be grateful you took these steps to remain cool as a possible in the lead up to the convo.


While we can't control things like the weather, we can take some pretty simple steps to keep ourselves cool when the temperatures go up. Move a little slower, grab some shade, and let yourself relax for a while.

SummertimeSummer heatHotWarm WeatherCool DownAyurvedaYogaWellness TechniquesInflammationMeditationSwimming
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